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Russian Humor, Natalia Gigounova-Komarova
How to weigh words, Natalia Gigounova-Komarova
The weapon of the soul, Poems by Valery Zhigunov.
Fables in Basni
Tales of Natania, Natalia Gigounova-Komarova
Golden Words, Natalia Gigounova-Komarova
The Heron and the Crane, Aleksei Tolstoy
The paths that lead to love, Ivan Turgenev
Karas Idealist, author Mikhaël Saltrykov-Chtchedrine
The Holy Ghost Hare, Mikhaël Saltrykov-Chtchedrine
The Serpent Princess, Alexander Afanassiev
The Crystal Mountain, Alexander Afanassiev
Tales and Legends of Dagestan, Emina Osokina Irina Solatge
Princess Sadness, Alexander Afanassiev
Two Fates, Russian Folk Tale. A. Afanasyev
A good word, A. Afanasyev.
The Language of Birds, A. Afanasyev
A Good Word, Alexander Afanassiev